Elevating .NET Performance and Security with RazorSharp APM and Guard

The future of .NET application performance monitoring starts here. With the launch of our beta, we're bringing a powerful, user-friendly APM solution that integrates seamlessly with your .NET applications, offering immediate insights and simplifying debugging processes. Here's a glimpse of what RazorSharp APM brings to your development workflow:

May 2024 - New dashboard

We have just launched our own dashboard with a topolgy map visualization of your solution. Head over to the quick start to get it up and running in just minutes.

Key Features at a Glance:

Razorsharp Guard: Enhancing Security

Alongside RazorSharp APM, we introduce Razorsharp Guard, a pivotal addition focusing on security within your .NET environments. Razorsharp Guard actively monitors SQL queries for signs of SQL injection, offering a configurable response mechanism to enhance your application's resilience against such threats. By default, it provides warnings when potential vulnerabilities are detected, with options to escalate responses to block suspicious activities.


RazorSharp APM is more than just a tool; it's a stepping stone towards a future where .NET application monitoring is not only about performance and exceptions but also opens up possibilities for advanced features like security enhancements, predictive analytics, automated documentation and much more.

Ready? Dive into our documentation or blog for more details on RazorSharp APM and Guard.